Premium Liquidity
Discover FXBX's premium liquidity providers for your forex brokerage needs.

Trade with Precision:
Our Premium Liquidity Partners
We offer access to a select group of high-quality liquidity providers, ensuring fast trades, accurate pricing, and flexibility that scales with your needs.

Our Partners

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Discover our premium liquidity partners to take your forex brokerage to the next level.
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To enhance liquidity management and trade execution, FXBX provides you access to deep liquidity pools and tailored solutions. These solutions cater to STP brokers and liquidity providers, offering efficient and reliable liquidity management that optimizes trading opportunities.
We evaluate providers based on licenses held, pricing competitiveness, stability of price feed, transaction volume capacity, and payment methods.
Yes, we maintain a portfolio of diverse liquidity providers to offer flexible and optimized solutions for smaller brokers.
Our solutions offer a balanced blend of providers, ensuring diversified risk exposure and better protection against market volatility.